Show Some Love ❤️

If you feel what I do is helpful in some sort of way, and do want to show that, I’ve set up this button for you to buy me a cup of coffee, or a bag of flour, or some seedlings for my garden, or a new computer game, or whatever! Take the money and invest it in something else kind of cool for everyone, who knows?

Category: Tag:


I don’t expect anything from what I do other than spreading good vibes and sharing some of my (sometimes peculiar and not very useful in the real world) skills, and I’m not very money driven overall, but obviously see the necessity of it.

If you feel what I do is helpful in some sort of way, and do want to show that, I’ve set up this button for you to buy me a can of coke, a bag of flour, some seedlings for my garden, some mulch, get me underwater, buy me a new computer game, or whatever! Take the money and invest it in something else kind of cool for everyone, who knows? I’m a sharer, whatever I do, I’ll share! ❤️

I really appreciate you even reading this, so thank you! And thank you if you choose to donate, I do appreciate that very much, too!


  • Crazy gig organisation fund (I have ideas!)
  • Finally do that Youtube show I’ve had a concept for for yeeaaaaaaars.
  • Online radio station that streams only awesome Kiwi music.
  • Contribute to Poco Moto’s membership for the Gribblehirst Community Hub
  • Scuba diving fund – fills my cup SO hard.
  • Vet savings for Pipi and Brie
  • Garden fund
  • Bread baking fund. I bake bread and give it away.