Why “Poco Moto”?
Poco Moto is the instruction composer Ludwig Van Beethoven gives the musician at the beginning of his classic piece Bagatelle No. 25 in A Minor, better known as Fuer Elise. It means “a little movement/motion” in Italian, which some think implies for it to be played not too fast, not too slow, and maybe even with a little rubato for good measure.

That makes the piece sound a little different every time, depending on the interpretation of those words by the musician, it adds measured chaos, makes it unique and particularly full of individual expression every time it gets played.

Beethoven was from Bonn in Germany which is where I used to live, and where I studied Musicology before migrating to Aotearoa.
Who is Silke?
I’ve been working in the broader music industry for most of my life. In the daytime I look after NZMusician.co.nz, and usually move on to one of our local venues in the afternoon.
From small Indie shows to big festivals, art exhibitions, fundraisers, award shows, conferences, trade fairs and agricultural shows, I’ve had my fingers in many a pie.
My degree is in Multimedia Production & Communication, but I’ve formally dabbled in academic subjects such as Musicology, Event Management, and Web development, with a dusting of Indie broadcasting.
Team Poco Moto


Kaiawhina Whakahaere
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