
Working at a gig is more work than just being present on site if you want to do it well – there’s having a look at all spreadsheets, pack all the gear needed for certain venues and the expected items for sale, clarify any vague or incomplete instructions as good as you can, and create some signage. 

Some companies I work with provide a file for signage that includes their logo, but I’ve got a template ready in case they don’t. 

For a medium-sized gig I like to bring

  • Clear signage for all separate items
  • An A4 list of all items to hang up around the merch stand
  • Back/Front signs for t-shirts and jumpers

Using the spreadsheet with all numbers and pricing in it, it takes me about 30min to type everything up and print it out.

The signs for the items, I usually just cut out as neatly as I can from home, if time allows me to – I recently bought a laminator (this one, would recommend) that doubles as paper cutter which makes for much nicer cuts than time-pressured hand-cut ones done at the venue.

Today I decided to actually laminate some of the signage I use every time. I used a hole punch to make neat holes into them so they’ll hang more nicely, too, and rounded off the edges with a clipper that also came with my laminator.

laminator and signage

As I was cutting and clipping away I thought I should really take a slice of my own knowledge about the importance of signage, and went ahead to create some for myself and my markets stalls. So far they’ve gone without any signage, because I like to change my mind on pricing if the buyer is clearly a little kid, but I think it’s important to give a clear idea about pricing, so I now have handy little price tags for all of my jewellery as well – I sell things around half-price on markets, which is why it’s a great idea to find me there, if you’re keen for a new necklace etc, hint hint.


And hey, if you book me to do your door or merch, and you know what you want to sell your wares for, let me know in advance – I think creating good signage is part of the job. 👍

Tonight I’ll be working for Post Modern Jukebox at Auckland Town Hall – I love to work there – apart from the staff being lovely, there’s so much space and it’s well set up to present everything nicely!

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